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Aurora's Love

In the land of ice and snow, Where the northern lights do glow, A tale of love unfolds, Beneath the arctic skies so bold.   Solveig, a soulful dreamer, Fell for the aurora's tender, A dance of colors, a wondrous sight, In her heart, love took flight.   Erik, a wanderer from afar, Under the same northern star, He saw the lights, he felt the glow, And knew he had to know more.   Beneath the aurora's soft embrace, Their eyes met, their souls did trace, A connection, instant and true, In the heart of the Arctic, love grew.   Green, pink, and purple hues did blend, As their hearts in harmony did send, A symphony of love so pure, In the presence of the aurora's allure.   Together they danced, together they sighed,

For in the rain, our love will always stay

                                               In the silence of the rain, my heart weeps,

A symphony of sorrow, so deep, so searing.

The drops trickle down the windowpane,

Mirroring the tears that escape my eyes in vain.

Each drop whispers secrets of our past,

Of love that bloomed under the sun's bright cast.

Now, as the rain washes away the earth,

It erases the remnants of what we were worth.

In the shelter of your arms, I once found reprieve,

From the chaos of life and its relentless drive.

But like a storm that rages through the night,

Our love has vanished, leaving me to fight.

The rain, it falls, a never-ending tide,

Carrying with it memories of our goodbye.

I stand at the threshold, unable to move on,

As the echoes of our laughter slowly drown.

Oh, the irony of this weathered game,

Where love and loss intertwine and remain.

In the rain, I see our love's reflection,

A beautiful illusion, now lost in transition.

Yet, in this downpour, I find a peace,

As if nature itself shares my release.

For even though our love has come to an end,

The rain reminds me that life must never end.

So let us dance in the rain, my dear,

One last time before we disappear.

For in the rain, our love will always stay,

A haunting melody, forever here to sway.
